lunedì 2
dalle 09:00 alle 16:00

Campus Conoscenza in Festa

venerdì 6
ore 15:00

A new view of space time

Einstein’s geometry of special relativity was based on the Michaelson Morley experiment. This lead to the imposition of a maximal velocity which was a huge departure from Newtonian mechanics in which infinite velocity is possible. Then came the various science fiction effects like time dilatation, space contraction and so on. We adopt a different view point, namely, non-commutated space time. This concept comes if there is a limit to the smallness of space and time. This has the advantage of overcoming the ugly infinity in quantum field theory. We point out that this requirement leads to a maximal velocity and consider a practical situation where this holds good.


  • 06/07/2018 ore 15:00

Organizzato da

Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche, informatiche e fisiche


Furio Honsell, docente Università di Udine


Aula Multimediale, Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche, informatiche e fisiche – via delle Scienze 206, Udine


lunedì 9
dalle 08:45 alle 18:40

Simulazione energetica dei sistemi edificio-impianto

giovedì 19
dalle 17:00 alle 18:30

What's next for consumer protection in the EU?

lunedì 23
dalle 09:00 alle 18:30

Logic Colloquium 2018

martedì 24
dalle 09:00 alle 18:30

Logic Colloquium 2018

mercoledì 25
dalle 09:00 alle 12:30

Logic Colloquium 2018

giovedì 26
dalle 09:00 alle 18:00

Logic Colloquium 2018

venerdì 27
dalle 09:00 alle 18:00

Logic Colloquium 2018

sabato 28
dalle 09:00 alle 12:30

Logic Colloquium 2018